Francesco Cilione || Trombettista, Compositore, Arrangiatore, Educatore -

Trumpeter - Composer - Arranger - Educator


Playing with the music

courses of approach to the music for the youngest ...

Francesco Cilione Teaching

This project comes from my experiences in teaching music in various settings and pupils: children, adolescents, adults, parents, teachers, people with low musical attitude.
Music is an engaging occasion to play: it can be divided and rebuilt in many ways, it can be transformed to create new sounds and melodies.

Musical games are based on two competences:

1- Listening
If we are not able to listen to what we are playing or what surrounds us, our style will be cold and mechanic.

2- Doing
This competence mainly involves reproducing the sounds that accompany us in our everyday life, and “invent music”, by proposing a new piece of music or re-elaborating an existing one, using music writing codes or any other tool different from playing.